Efficient & Effective with Fidelity
Appropriate, effective, interventions can make all the difference in the world to students struggling with academic, behavioral or attendance issues. Schools.Tools Intervention Manager will walk you through the process from the identification of the skill deficit to objective progress monitoring and it makes monitoring fidelity a snap.
What is the area of concern, what is the perceived skill deficit, how frequently will the intervention be applied and then what tool will be used to determine monitor its effectiveness? Interventions should not be interminable, if they are making the difference they should be terminated when the behavior is under control. If they are not effective, the intervention should be escalated, or at least a different approach is required.
With everyone in your leadership/MTSS Teams having access to the tool fidelity checks are a natural. Any time progress monitoring notes are entered, the intervention gets a fresh date that everyone can see. Take a more scientific approach to your student supports with Schools.Tools Intervention Manager!